Assessment 1

The specific musical goal of assessment task one is to produce a performance, mix and master which matches as close as possible, the quality and ‘feel’ of three professional releases (reference tracks) of your choice. The three reference tracks I have chosen for this task are the following: The reason I have chosen these three […]

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Assessment 2

The specific musical goal of assessment task two is to capture the authentic sound of a pitched acoustic instrument, acoustic ensemble or solo voice and recreate the illusion (ambience) of a concert hall or venue. The three reference tracks I have chosen for assessment task 2 are the following: The reason I have chosen these three […]

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Here are a list of different microphones of which most are available to students enrolled in the Anglia Ruskin Music Department. The reason I have decided to put them into my blog is because I have used some of these microphones to complete both of my recording technique assessments. I know that they will be […]

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Stereo Mic Techniques

AB Polarity – Omnidirectional Spaced / Coincident – Spaced How is the stereo derived? – Time of arrival (Phase difference) XY Polarity – Cardioid Spaced / Coincident – Coincident How is the stereo derived? – Level Difference NOS Polarity – Cardioid Spaced / Coincident – Near Coincident How is the stereo derived? – Time of […]

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Assessment 2 Details

Assessment 2 – Stereo Microphone Technique The specific musical goal of this assessment is to capture the authentic sound of a pitched acoustic instrument, acoustic ensemble or solo voice and recreate the illusion (ambience) of a concert hall or venue. As with assessment 1, provide 3 professional reference tracks. From the variety of ‘classic’ stereo microphone […]

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Assessment 1 Details

For assessment 1 – record, mix and master a band recording of 2-6 minutes. The specific musical goal of this assessment is to produce a performance and mix, which matches as close as possible, the quality and ‘feel’ of three professional releases (reference tracks) of your choice. Your track can be in any genre, an […]

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